Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10.07.09: afternoon martini wednesday

it's wednesday; my favorite jewish boys and martini day!

martini #1 with lunch. it's ok. it's after 4pm somewhere in the world.

bunny jason frank! once i was known as mrs. rothenberg and we almost drove to atlantic city for hotdogs and some black jacks for hanukkah.

martini #4? with crocodile martin! where's my purse?

"hanuk, is this your martini #5? i lost count and i'm really smart."

"really? it's 6pm and you are in this condition again?" whoever said pets don't judge you don't drink.

"oh shit, hold up! maybe hanuk forgot, because he's too drunk, he fed me. i'm hungry! feed me dinner again. look into my eyes.... you want to feed me dinner again."

milan and i had a lovely stroll! i wish he drank martinis too!

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